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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7916

V.M. Alekseyev; Morphology of New and Rare Species of Nematodes from the Southern Far East. Hydrobiological Journal 28(7):48-58, 1993 (Originally published in Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 71(5):9-18, 1992)


In File


Illustrated descriptions are provided for Labronema macrosoma sp. n. (Dorylaimidae) and Theristus brevisetosus sp. n. (Xyalidae) and redescriptions of the rare species Paraplectonema multitubiferum (Imamura, 1931), known only from Japan, and Anonchus mirabilis (Hofmanner, 1914), found in Switzerland and Italy (both Leptolaimidae). Classification of the dorylaimids is based on the spears: three principal types are proposed (definitive or adult, larval, and juvenile) and two secondary (predefinitive or preadult and prelarval). Keys are given to species of Paraplectonema and Anonchus.