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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7911

V.V. Medvedev; Preliminary Results of a Study of Ciliates in a Shallow Hydrothermal Ecosystem in the Kraternaya Caldera. Hydrobiological Journal 28(1):21-25, 1992 (Originally published in Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 8:127-130, 1991)


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A description was given of eight ciliate species discovered in the plankton of Kraternaya Bay and on the bottom of Yankich Island (Kuril Islands): Tracheloraphis incaudarus Kank, 1933; Holophrya rubra sp. n.; Lagynophrya holophila Kahl, 1930; Mesodinium rubrum Lohmann, 1908; Frontonia arenaria Kahl, 1933; F. marine Fabre-Domergue, 1891; Condylostoma arenarium Spiegel, 1926; Diophrys scutum Dujardin, 1841. Ciliates were found near hydrothermal vent sites inside the Ushishir volcano crater and on the seashore outside the island. The description is based on the study of living ciliates and fixed material impregnated with silver by the Chatton and Lwoff method and stained.