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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7907

M.A. Valovaya; A New Parasitic Rotifer, Albertia ovagranulata sp. n. (Dicranophoridae), from the Intestine of the Oligochaete Enchytraeus albidus from the White Sea Sublittoral. Hydrobiological Journal 27(4):58-65, 1991 (Originally published in Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 4:37-44, 1991)


In File


From the intestine of the oligochaete Enchytraeus albidus (Enchytraeidae) occurring in shoreline debris (decomposed seaweed) in the White Sea sublittoral (Kandalaksha Bay, Rugozero inlet), a new parasitic rotifer, Albertia ovagranulata sp. n. is described. The new species differs from the closely related species in the genus, A. woronkowi, A. soyeri, A. typhlina, in the following characters: characteristic ornamentation of the egg membrane; presence of a large, conical foot terminating in a papilliform toe with a spur; presence of a rostrum, absence of peduncles on the gastric glands, vermicular uniform body. The body of the juvenile consists of nine telescopic segments, mastax has a distinct shape and size. Data are presented on certain aspects of the biology of the new species. The literature on the morphology and biology of rotifers in the genus Albertia is reviewed.