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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7899

S.L. Belova; Analysis of Taxonomic Similarity of Ciliophora in the Mozhaysk, Vazuza, and Yauza Reservoirs. Hydrobiological Journal 26(1):28-32, 1990


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The process of the Protista fauna formation in two Moscow water supply reservoirs is considered. Taxonomic composition of infusoria in the newly created Vazuza and Yauza reservoirs has been studied for its similarity to that in the Mozhaysk Reservoir. A conclusion concerning higher species diversity of infusoria in headwaters of the reservoirs has been drawn. The fraction of dominating species is observed to gradually decrease from 66.7% of their total number in the first year of existence to 30.5% in the third and following years.