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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7864

V.A. Alekseyev and N.Ye. Uspenskaya; A Toxicologial Description of Acute Phenolic Poisoning of Certain Freshwater Worms. Hydrobiological Journal 10(4):35-41, 1974


In File


Freshwater worms are very much more resistant to acute phenolic intoxication than other aquatic invertebrates. The exceptions are turbellarians and small oligochaetes of the family Naididae. In test in which the worms had no opportunity to bury themselves in bottom sediments intoxication in oligochaetes occurred eariler, and was more acute when the temperature was high and the worms were starved. The resistance of adult and young leeches is practically the same, but considerably greater than that of the eggs.