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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7857

Emanuel Bartos; [Korenonozci, Virnici A Zelvusky Mechu Sumavskych Predhori] (On the Rhizopods, Rotatoria and Tardigrada from the mosses of the undermountains of Sumava (Bohemia)). Casopis Nar.musea 4:50-64, 1951


In File


The year 1947 ago the writer collected 512 moss-samples in the undermountains of Sumava. From these moss-samples 276 samples originated from Blansky les and 236 samples from Boubin. In all these moss-samples are discovered 62 species of Rhizopods, 70 species of Rotatoria, and 29 species of Tardigrada. New species of the Bohemian fauna are asterised. New species of European fauna are biasterised, and the species new for the science are marked out with three asterisc. In the list of collected species the first number in the brackets mark out the number of moss-samples from Blansky les, in which this species are observed, the second number mark out the same for the Boubin.