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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7843

Miroslav Macek, Petr Hartmann, and Ivana Skopova; Participation of a Specific Substrate Degrading Strain in a Mixed Bacteria Culture as a Result of Ciliate Grazing. Int.Revue ges.Hydrobiol. 78(4):557-574, 1993


In File


Participation of nitrilotriacetic acid degrading bacterial strain NTA-1 in the continuous-cultivated mixed culture was studied under different conditions including predation pressure of the ciliate Dexiostoma campyla (Stokes, 1886). From the viewpoint of dispersed/flocculated biomass distribution, significant relationships between NTA-1 and total bacteria ratio, and dispersed and total biomass ratio were proved in the systems without high concentrations of ciliates. The ciliate concentrations reaching 10E4 ml-1 stabilized flocculated biomass growth without directly affecting NTA-1 portion. Using fluorescently labelled NTA-1 bacteria, filter feeding rates of ciliates were evaluated (maximum individual uptake rate upon NTA-1 bacteria as a number of bacteria per ciliate per hour being 120 hr-1 and 260 hr-1 under ciliate division rate of 0.3 day-1 and 1 day-1, respectively). Biomass balance showed that dispersed NTA-1 bacteria should not serve as the sole feeding source for these free-swimming ciliates. The role of diversity of mixed bacterial diet in ciliate growth and the role of ciliate predation in stabilizing bacterial assemblage structure was proved.