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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7837

Franz Riemann; [Eisen und Mangan in pazifischen Tiefsee-Rhizopoden und Beziehungen zur Manganknollen-Genese] (Iron and Manganese in Pacific Deep-sea Rhizopods and Relationships to Manganese Nodule Formation). Int.Revue ges.Hydrobiol. 70(1):165-172, 1985


In File


The Pacific deep-sea bottoms are dominated by rhizopoden Protozoa. Their abundance on manganese nodules and in the associated sediments suggests a contribution to nodule formation, though direct evidence is still lacking. Attention is called to iron contents in solid excretion products of some sessile rhizopods that may contribute to the initiation of manganese deposition and nodule growth. Manganese is scarce in the faecal pellets of sediment-dwelling rhizopods. This is discussed in context with questions regarding manganese mobilization in pelagic sediments.