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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7692

Frederick C. Page and E.A. Robson; Fine Structure and Taxonomic Position of Hydramoeba hydroxena (Entz, 1912). Protistologica XIX(1):41-50, 1983


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The fine structure of Hydramoeba hydroxena was investigated in amoebae from an epidemic in laboratory cultures of Hydra viridissima. The plasmalemma is covered with a filamentous coat up to 50 nm thick. The nuclear envelope lacks an internal fibrous lamina, and all the presumed nucleolar material is arranged in a layer separated from the nuclear envelope by a narrow space, with no central nucleolus or endosome. Other details of fine structure are described. Light-microscope observations are reported and illustrated. Our observations lend further support to the view that H. hydroxena is an obligate parasite and suggest that even in a cold winter enough mature hydras may be present to permit its survival. Comparison of Hydramoeba with free-living amoebae strengthens its taxonomic position as a member of the family Amoebidae.