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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7691

Francine Iftode, Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel, Barry J. Wicklow, and Michel Tuffrau; [Le Genre Transitella: Stomatogenese, Ultrastructure. Affinites de la Famille des Transitellidae]. Protistologica XIX(1):21-39, 1983


In File


The genus Transitella studied with T.E.M. in two species (T. bivacuolata, T. corbifera) shows: a) A somatic cortex whose infraciliature is composed of a variable number of kinetosomal pairs; each pair bears the usual associated fibers. A bulk of dense material which supports the post-ciliary ribbons seems proper to this group. b) A buccal cortex subtended by a basket of nematodesmata linked with a microfibrillar lattice; the cytostome lies in its centre. The adoral zone shows the same main characteristics in the 2 species. The paroral zone bears a slightly different ciliature consisting of two rows of kinetosomes with divergent implantation: both are ciliated in T. bivacuolata, while in T. corbifera only the external row is ciliated, and possesses a double number of kinetosomes. The fibers issued from these rows are interpreted as post-ciliary ribbons; this is confirmed by the study of stomatogenesis of T. corbifera, using Protargol. The buccal anlage arises from the posterior end of the first right somatic kineties (parakinetal stomatogenesis). The discussion turns on the connection of this genus with some Heterotrichs and Hypotrichs, in respect with the ciliary pattern and the stomatogenesis.