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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7688

Pilar Alonso; Fusion of Regenerated Macronuclear Fragments with the New Macronucleus in the Exconjugants of Euplotes aediculatus. Protistologica XVIII(4):481-488, 1982


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The development of the exconjugants in Euplotes aediculatus has been followed until the vegetative macronucleus has been constituted. After the fragmentation of the parental macronucleus, the anterior portions become pycnotic and are resorbed in the cytoplasm. The posterior one or two fragments reorganize(s) and fuse(s) with the macronuclear anlage. Several rounds of single reorganization bands pass through the cresent-shaped anlage from anterior to posterior end prior to (even during) the macronuclear fusion. The appearance of some conspicuous sizeable chromatin bodies (3-8 µm in diameter) in the macronuclear reorganized fragments, present even during the macronuclear fusion, allows the distinction of the nuclear elements from one and other origin. In spite of the contradictory results from different authors about that subject, the present observations contribute to corroborate the direct mediation of the old macronucleus in the building up of the new one.