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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7684

Karl G. Grell and Anne Meister; [Die Ultrastruktur von Acinetopsis rara Robin (Suctoria) II. Zellbau und Schwarmerbildung]. Protistologica XVIII(3):403-421, 1982


In File


1. Stalk and lorica of the suctorian Acinetopsis rara are extracellular formations, being situated outside of the cellular membrane (plasma membrane). 2. The periodically striated outer layer and the cellular membrane are separated by an interspace comprising a ground substance which consists mainly of a fibrillar meshwork. 3. After metamorphosis the ground substance seems to be supplemented by exocytosis: substances from the cell-body are extruded into the interspace. 4. The swarmer has eight girdles of cilia (kineties) whose basal structures (infraciliature) are described. 5. Of the inclusions characteristic for the swarmer the "pore spheres" are most conspicuous. There is some evidence that they deliver the alveoli of the pellicle, and, possibly also, the epiplasmatic layer. Other inclusions of enigmatic function are the "spindle shaped bodies" and the "tubular vesicles". 6. Within the swarmer only the axoneme of the capturing tentacle is formed while the axonemes of the feeding tentacles arise after metamorphosis. Morphogenesis of the axonemes seems to have a subpellicular (subcortical) kinetosome as starting-point.