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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7646

Prabhat Kumar Saxena, Harmohan K. Chhabra, and Sneh Lata; On the Ecology and Vertical Distribution of Helicotylenchus elegans Roman (Rotylenchoidinae: Nematoda). Zool.Anz.,Leipzig 191(1/2):123-129, 1973


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The most favourable temperature for the multiplication of H. elegans was 30 degrees C. Light soils were more suitable for its multiplication than the heavy soils. The multiplication was maximum at 8% moisture level followed by at 12% moisture level. The seasonal fluctuation in the vertical distribution of the nematode in the rhizosphere of grapevines from August 1970 to July 1971 revealed that the population density was maximum in 0...10 cm layer followed by the population in 10...20 and in 20...30 cm layers. The high population during April in 0...10 cm layer and during July in 10...20 and 20...30 cm layers may be attibuted to either favourable soil temperature or soil moisture or both.