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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7632

Bruce E. Hopper; Free-living Marine Nematodes from Biscayne Bay, Florida. IV. Cyatholaimidae: On the Occurrence of Marilynia n. gen. and Longicyatholaimus Micoletzky, 1924 in Biscayne Bay, with a Description of L. longicaudatus (de Man, 1876) from the Type Locality. Zool.Anz.,Leipzig 189(1/2):64-88, 1972


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Longicyatholaimus Micoletzky, 1924 is redefined on the basis of an examination of L. longicaudatus (de Man, 1876), the type species, recollected from the type locality, the Bay of Naples. The genus is diagnosed as having basically four longitudinal rows of hypodermnal pore complexes with the pore apertures oriented diagonally. Marilynia n. gen., is established for those species of Longicyatholaimus having 8, 10 or 12 longitudinal rows of hypodermal pore complexes with the pore aperture oriented transversely. Twelve new Marilynia combinations are proposed. M. gerlachi n. nom. is proposed for Longicyatholaimus quadriseta Wieser sensu Gerlach, 1964. Marilynia eratos, M. mulsa, M. oculissoma, M. preclara, Longicyatholaimus egregius and L. marilynae are described as new to science. Keys to the species of both genera are presented. The number, type and distribution of the hypodermal pore complexes and the lateral modified punctations are of taxonomic importance in the separation of species within genera as well as the differentiation of genera. A "caudal X" measurement, the position along the tail which equals one-quarter the anal body diameter and expressed as a percentage of the total tail length, is introduced as an initial objective numerical measurement of tail shape. The caudal X for Marilynia ranges from 24 to 63%, that for Longicyatholaimus, 11 to 22%.