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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7624

Heinrich Liebsch; [Untersuchungen zur Nahrungsselektion von Stentor coeruleus (Ehrenberg)] (Examinations of Food Selection in Stentor coeruleus (Ehrenberg)). Zool.Anz.,Jena 196(1/2):1-8, 1976


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1. The filtration system and its function in Stentor corresponds in principle to the "single-band-system" of echinoderm larvae described by Stratiimann, Jahn and Fonseca (1972). 2. A pre-vestibular and a vestibular selection region can be distinguished in Stentor. Differences in density, size and sinking speed of the particles are decisive factors in the selection in the praevestibular region. In the vestibular region density and sinking speed are important factors in the selection. 3. In hungry animals the pre-vestibular selection is excluded because of the fact that the shape of the frontal field surface is changed. This causes a change of the currents so that even particles which normally are not taken up by Stentor get into the vestibulum, too.