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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7616

S.M. Santos, A. Guinea, and Dimas Fernandez-Galiano; [Etude de L'infraciliature et du Processus de Bipartition chez Nyctotherus ovalis Leidy, 1850 (Ciliophora, Heterotrichida)]. Protistologica XXII(4):351-358, 1986


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We have studied the morphology and the stomatogenesis of Nyctotherus ovalis Leidy, 1850 in this work. The two characteristics secant systems of the genus Nyctotherus: preoral and anterior right, and one region under of the peristome which we have called "zone of discontinuity", are described in the somatic infraciliature. The oral infraciliature is formed by an adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) of 4 rows of kinetosomes, and a double paroral membrane. In each membranelle, the disposition of the first row of kinetosomes is different to the remaining three. The peristomatic region is only formed by one the two components of the oral ciliature: the AZM, while the paroral membrane, moreover from the AZM, is situated in the infundibulum. In the bipartition process, the formation of the new oral apparatus begins in the zone of discontinuity. All the kineties of the right side of the ciliate will form the infraciliature of infundibulum in a first stage. Once the infundibulum is formed, the process continues affecting only 8 to 10 ventral kineties, which will originate the AZM peristomatic through proliferation.