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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7615

Frederick C. Page; The Genera and Possible Relationships of the Family Amoebidae, with Special Attention to Comparative Ultrastructure. Protistologica XXII(3):301-316, 1986


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The ultrastructure of ten species of Amoebidae, nine of them fixed by a standard method, has been compared to establish generic distinctions and the characters of the family. The genus Amoeba is made more homogeneous by establishment of a new genus, Deuteramoeba, of which D. algonquinensis is the type species. The finding that the inner nuclear lamina of both Chaos carolinense and C. nobile has a honeycomb-like organisation, as noticed earlier by C. Chapman-Andresen and D.B. Gromov, re-inforces the similarity of those multinucleate organisms to the genus Amoeba. Differences between the two species of Polychaos studied do not yet justify the division of that genus, but similarities between Trichamoeba and Hydramoeba hydroxena seriously undermine the independence of the genus Hydramoeba. Indications of possile relationships amongst four families of Amoebida, including the Amoebidae, are perceptible though not yet conclusive.