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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7601

Frederick C. Page; Mayorella Schaeffer, 1926, and Hollandella N. G. (Gymnamoebia), distinguished by Surface Structure and Other Characters, with Comparisons of Three Species. Protistologica XVII(4):543-562, 1981


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Strains of Gymnamoebia identified as Mayorella bulla and Astramoeba stella and two strains from Kuwait resembling Mayorella pussardi but much larger were studied with light and electron microscopy. A new genus Hollandella is distinguished from Mayorella principally on the basis of its thick cell coat containing laterally compressed cylindrical elements (glycostyles ?) in a fibrous matrix and the structure and distribution of its numerous dictyosomes. The type-species of Hollandella is Hollandella pussardi n. comb., and the genus also includes H. kuwaitensis n. sp. and the zoochlorellae-containing amoeba H. viridis n. comb. The emended genus Mayorella comprises species which, as far as their fine structure is known, have distinct scales and a large Golgi complex adjacent to the nucleus. Scales are synthesised in this Golgi complex. In this emended genus Mayorella are included M. bulla, M. stella n. comb., M. riparia, and several strains with scales but not yet identified to species. The distinction between scales and glycostyles is clarified. Scales provide a useful taxonomic character on the specific as well as the generic level, even though a single kind of scale may be found in more than one species. The subpseudopodia (dactylopodia) of Mayorella and Hollandella are distinguished from other subpseudopodia by both light and electron mciroscopy.