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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7600

T. Garcia-Rodriguez, F. Perez-Paniagua, and J. Perez-Silva; [Morphogenese de Division et Ultrastructures Corticale et Buccale chez Bresslaua vorax Kahl (Cilie Colpodidae)]. Protistologica XVII(4):533-542, 1981


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By using of the silver impregnation, it has been found that somatic kinetosomes are grouped into paires, each of them is accompanied by a conspicuous argentophylic corp. The buccal cavity contains two fields of kinetosomes: the left one is formed by parallel kineties and the right one is constituted by kinetosomes anarchically disposed. Morphogenetic steps show the evolution of somatic infraciliature. 14-17 "stomatogenic" kineties contribute the reorganization of both oral fields. In the left oral primordium appear successive states of "doublet", "triplet" and "quadruplet" (groups of four rows). The right oral primordium is an ensemble of kinetosomes irregularly disposed. In this paper, we propose a hypothesis about the morphogenetic function of these argentophylic corps, that accompany each somatic kinetosome pair. Cortical ultrastructure shows that the kinetosomes are grouped into pairs and that they have different fibrilar systems. Buccal ultrastructure reveals many links between the kinetosomes in the left oral field, while in the right one only some are present.