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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7599

David J. Patterson; On the Origin of the Postoral Microtubules of Paramecium putrinum (Hymenostomatida, Ciliophora). Protistologica XVII(4):525-531, 1981


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The structure and ultrastructure of the mouth of Paramecium putrinum was investigated to establish the source of the postoral microtubules. The anterior ends of the microtubular bundles are associated with the bases of the barren kinetosomes which make up the anarchic field. The postoral microtubules do not appear to be a type of postciliary or transverse rootlet but rather resemble nemadesmata. The association of the cytopharyngeal microtubules with the kinetosomes persists throughout the interfission part of the cell cycle.