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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7585

Jesus Martin, C. Fedriani, and J. Nieto; [Etude Comparee des Processus Morphogenetiques D'Uroleptus sp. (Kahl, 1932) et de Holosticha (Paruroleptus) musculus (Kahl, 1932) (Cilies Hypotriches)]. Protistologica XVII(2):215-224, 1981


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The comparative study of the morphogenesis of division of two species in the actual genus Uroleptus (Borror, 1972) has enabled us to bring forth evidence that, in this genus, species with different morphogenesis pattern are included: - Uroleptus sp. (Kahl, 1932) presents a morphogenetic pattern that enables us to situate it close to Cladotricha, Uroleptoides, Stichotricha and Paraholosticha and so in relation with Spirofilidae, (see Borror, 1979a & b). - Holosticha (Paruroleptus) musculus (Kahl, 1932) have midventral cirri sensu stricto so that enable us to include this species among the Urostylidae (Borror, 1979b).