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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7573

Simone Eperon; [Sur la Stomatogenese et les Relations Phylogenetiques du Cilie Peritriche Thuricola folliculata (O.F. Muller, 1786)]. Protistologica XVI(4):549-564, 1980


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During stomatogenesis of Thuricola folliculata, all new buccal kineties originate from the germinal row and the haplokinety. The description is given according to observations based on protargol impregnated specimens. Therefore this species presents a buccokinetal mode, like previously studied Peritrichida. The separation between the two buccal ciliary apparatus requires complicated internal movements like sliding and rotation. The stomatogenic events and the buccal morphology of this ciliate, as well as the orientation of the fission plane and his polarity are discussed within a more general framework. Peritrichida would be effectively one of the evolutionary trends among Oligohymenophora. The mentioned characteristics show that their nearest relations are the Scuticociliatida; for stomatogenesis of these two groups of ciliates is definited by (1) the autonomy (2) a predetermination of all buccal structures, whereby kinetosomes in different specific regions of the parental mouth proliferate to form different components of the new buccal apparatuses; and (3) an early differentiation of the initial kinetosomal field in several independent structures. These facts lead to the following hypothesis about the evolutionary trends: Pleuronematina and Philasterina (arrow) Thigmotrichina (arrow) Peritrichida.