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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7552

Maria A. Jareno and Michel Tuffrau; [Le Positionnement des Primordiums Cinetosomiens et la Morphogenese sous Kyste chez le Cilie Hypotriche Onychodromus acuminatus]. Protistologica XV(4):597-605, 1979


In File


The macronucleus materially participates in the neoformation of the kinetosomian primordium, in Onychodromus acuminatus, during morphogenesis initiated under cyst. After the entire dedifferentiation of the original infraciliature, the macronucleus issues a fine fibrillary-like tigel. It reaches the cortex in a point, from which radiates a fanshaped bunch of superficial fibers. Kinetosomes appear on them, and their multiplication and further organisation will give rise to the new infraciliature. When a joint encystment is concerned, two primordia then raise from the two macronuclei and form a homopolar doublet.