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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7549

Wilhelm Foissner; [Morphologie, Infraciliature und Silberliniensystem von Phascolodon vorticella Stein, Chlamydonella alpestris nov. spec. und Trochilia minuta (Roux) (Ciliophora, Cyrtophorida)]. Protistologica XV(4):557-563, 1979


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The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system of Phascolodon vorticella, Chlamydonella alpestris nov. spec., and Trochilia minuta is described. Phascolodon is a member of the Chilodonellidae because of its infraciliature, silverline system, and morphogenesis. The phylogenetic line Chilodonella (arrow) Odontochlamys (arrow) Phascolodon is proposed. The development of cyst-aggregates was observed in mass cultures. Chlamydonella alpestris is characterized by 4 interrupted kineties left to the median. With regard to the silverline system, this genus is closely related to the Chilodonellidae. The silverline system of Trochilia minuta is similar to that of the Chilodonellidae too, but its meshes are more rounded.