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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7541

Bernard Pelvat and Gerard De Haller; [La Regeneration de L'appareil Oral chez Stentor coeruleus: Etude au Protargol et Essai de Morphogenese Comparee]. Protistologica XV(3):369-386, 1979


In File


The regeneration of the OA of Stentor coeruleus was studied with protargol staining. We have analysed in detail the 8 morphogenetic stages described by Tartar and we have shown: - The zone of discontinuity is structurally variable. - The multiplication of new cinetosomes occurs along meridians of the ventral side and on the right side of the zone of discontinuity. - The anarchic field differentiates into the AZM and parorale. - The frontal field is of somatic origin. We have discussed the origin of oral primordia and their differentiation during regeneration. We can conclude that structures which may appear homologous based upon morphological studies are not equivalent if we study their development.