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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7529

Pierre Didier and Jean Dragesco; [Organisation Ultrastructurale du Cortex de Phacodinium metchnicoffi (Cilie Heterotriche)]. Protistologica XV(1):33-42, 1979


In File


The cortical ultrastructure of Phacodinium metchnicoffi reveals an original and unusual disposition of the somatic kinetosomes. The somatic kineties are made of a succession of grouped an aligned kinetosomes (8 to 12), each of them having every of its microtubular and fibrillar derivatives. The existence of retrodesmal fibers and the direction of kinetodesmal ones can be specially noticed as well as ciliary microtubular roots and microtubules both perpendicular to kinetosomes. A comparison with other Heterotriches cortical organization has been done.