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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7528

Jean-Pierre Mignot and Albert Savoie; [Observations Ultrastructurales sur Nuclearia simplex Cienkowski (Protozoa, Rhizopodea, Filosia)]. Protistologica XV(1):23-32, 1979


In File


The electronmicroscopical data of different stages observed in thin sections agree with the description by Pernin (1976), who situes Nuclearia among the Amoeba. Of course, according to our methods of investigation, the amoeboid cells and the heliozoan-like stages never contain axopodia, nor cytoplasmic microtubules, nor microtubule organizing center, nor haptocyst-like organelles which characterize Heliozoa. But the occurrence of a cortical microfibrillar layer, which penetrates into the filopods is demonstrated. The curious morphological transformations, which characterize this Protist, more particularly the morphogenensis of pseudopodia imply stocks of plasma membrane stored in cortical vesicles, and probably also a thick mucilaginous coat.