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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7526

H. Norbert Lanners; The Ultrastructure of the Attachment of the Suctor Heliophrya erhardi to the Substrate: Homologies to other Suctoria. Protistologica XIV(4):467-474, 1978


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The ultrastructural study of the attachment of the suctor Heliophrya erhardi to the substrate shows that the organism adheres by an extracellular material which is divided into 2 parts; beneath the cell membrane a fine granular layer followed by a fibrillar layer which makes the contact with the substrate. This fibrillar material is broader than the granular layer and forms the "attachment ring", formerly described by light microscopists. It is concluded that the attachment material in Heliophrya erhardi is homologous to the stalk and disc in other suctoria. Heliophrya is therefore to be considered as a stalked species. The stalk is compressed and the attachment to the cell is broadened.