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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7522

F. Perez-Paniagua and J. Perez-Silva; [Reorganisation Buccale au Cours de la Division chez Tillina sp. (Cilie Colpodida)]. Protistologica XIV(4):405-411, 1978


In File


The surface of the cell is covered with 80-90 kineties. 11-13 kineties terminate around the pore of the contractile vacuole. The buccal cavity contains 2 fields of kinetosomes; the left one is constituted by several parallel kineties, the right one by short anarchic rows of kinetosomes. 18-23 kineties participate at the stomatogenesis. 4-5 kineties included only in the right primordium; 10-13 in both primordiums; 4-5 only in the left primordium. Particularities of the stomatogenesis would be necessary for the determination of species.