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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7514

Jacques Bohatier, F. Iftode, P. Didier, and Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel; [Sur L'ultrastructure des Genres Spathidium et Bryophyllum, Cilies Kinetophragmophora (de Puytorac et all, 1974)]. Protistologica XIV(2):189-200, 1978


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The ultrastructural study of Spathidium amphoriforme, Spathidium sp. and Bryophyllum tegularum points out in this species the following characteristics: 1) A cortex with very light alveolar layer and ectoplasmic zone, including numerous mucocysts, separated from the endoplasm by a continuous fibrous layer. The three classical systems of tangential fibers and one short supplementary near the transversal fibers are present around the somatics kinetosomes. 2) A perioral ciliature formed by juxtaposition of difierenciated (one ciliated, one non ciliated) kinetosomial pairs at the top of somatic kinetics incurvated at the bottom of the buccal pad. 3) One buccal brace with nemadesma coupled with the proximal end at the non ciliated kinetosomes and with microtubular ribbons issued from these some kinetosomes (transversal fibers) near the buccal pad. 4) Two types of toxicysts are present (different size) one of them being original in Spathidium sp. 5) One "brush" composed of pairs of "clavate" cilia. These cilia bear at their proximal end microtubular roots associated with vesicular structures. The similarity between buccal and somatic ultrastructure characteristics corroborates the systematic filiation of these two genus Spathidium and Bryophyllum in the order of the Prostomatida and in the suborder of the Prostomatina.