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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7512

Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel and Michel Tuffrau; [Complements a la Connaissance du Genre Transitella Gellert, 1950]. Protistologica XIV(1):91-98, 1978


In File


Review of the badly known genus Transitella Gellert, 1950; using the Protargol technique; the type-species T. lichenicola and a new species T. corbifera, are described; simplified small basal plates and their associated fibers have been shown up in both species, as well as a buccal apparatus of Spirotrich provided with an exceptionally central cytostome and a special buccal frame, like a curtain or a basket, formed of nemadesma. All these observations lead us to reconsider the systematic position of the genus, who justifies the creation of a new Family of Heterotrichs: Transitellidae n. fam.