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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7508

Stephen F. NG; Origin and Inheritance of an Extra Band of Microtubules in Tetrahymena Cortex. Protistologica XV(1):5-15, 1979


In File


Different probable modes of origin of an extra band of longitudinal microtubules at a particular site on Tetrahymena cortex are described. All of these share the common feature of origin by acquisition of a microtubular band as a seed. The mode of inheritance of the extra band has been studied by subculturing and re-isolation. The conclusion reached is that presence of an extra band in the mother animal is often decisive as to whether the progeny animals possess the extra band. Animals descending from mother animals not possessing the extra band do not possess the extra band; an extra band can however, be re-initiated in such animals by the same principle of seeding. The extra band has been maintained for nearly 500 cell fissions and apparently can be maintained indefinitely. The morphogenetical significance and implications of the extra band are discussed.