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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7478

Milutin Erbeznik, Meng-Chao Yao, and Carolyn L. Jahn; Characterization of the Euplotes crassus Macronuclear rDNA and its Potential as a DNA Transformation Vehicle. J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 46(2):206-216, 1999


In File


We have cloned the macronuclear linear DNA molecule carrying the ribosomal RNA genes from the ciliated protozoan Euplotes crassus. DNA sequence analysis was carried out locate coding regions and to determine whether sequences that have been mutated to confer antibiotic resistance are conserved in the E. crassus genes. The beginning and end of the primary transcript were mapped. In order to determine whether conserved sequences that might serve as replication origins were present, the 5' and 3' non-coding sequences from E. crassus were compared to the corresponding sequences from the macronuclear linear rDNA molecules from the following euplotid species: Euplotes vannus, Euplotes minuta, Euplotes raikovii and Euplotes rariseta. A DNA transformation construct was made by generating a putative anisomycin resistant mutation along with a mutation generating a restriction site polymorphism. Microinjection of the construct into the developing macronucleus of mated cells resulted in exconjugant cell lines with increased resistance to anisomycin. The injected rDNA with the restriction site polymorphism is detectable in the anisomycin resistant cells and appears to represent a minor fraction of the rDNA.