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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7475

Olivier Decamp, Tsujino Mutsumi, and Kamiyama Takashi; Abundance of Naked Amoebae in Sediments of Hiroshima Bay, Seto Inland Sea of Japan. J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 46(2):160-164, 1999


In File


The present paper provides the first data on naked amoebae from sediment of Hiroshima Bay. Three stations in the inner part of the bay were sampled over a three-month period. Abundance of naked amoebae ranged from 1,019 to 45,561 cells/g dry sediment. Results indicate: (i) surface sediment populations in most cases were higher than subsurface populations; (ii) there was some evidence of temporal variation with counts generally increasing from March to May; and (iii) the site located near Hiroshima City had fewer amoebae on several occasions than the other two sites. There was a negative exponential relationship between acid-volatile sulfide concentration and abundance of amoebae. Most amoebae were small with the average size ranging from 6.6-14 µm. Morphotype 1, amoebae that extend lobose pseudopodia or subpseudopodia during normal locomotion, were dominant (40-100% of enumerated amoebae). Morphotypes 2 and 3 (limax amoebae) were found in lower numbers than the other two morphotypes. The proportion of amoebae occupied by Morphotype 4 (fan-shaped or discoidal-flattened amoebae) was higher at a lower total abundance.