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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7437

O. Roger Anderson; Densities and Diversity of Gymnamoebae in Relation to Some Inshore Aquatic Habitats at Bermuda. J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 45(1):151-155, 1998


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Densities and diversity of gymnamoebae are reported for three sites at Bermuda. Two are marine sites in Mullet Bay, and the third is a shallow pond (Ferry Reach Park), Bermuda. Site 1 (edge of a small island in Mullet Bay) had higher densities of gymnamoebae (28,761/g sediment) than at a disturbed site 2 (17,597/g), a boat mooring. The diversity was higher, however, at site 2 (H=4.3) compared to site 1 (H=3.3). The site 2 species were larger including morphotypes categorized as type 1 (e.g. Mayorella and a reticulate amoeba). The brackish inland pond had higher abundances in the sediments (40,590/g) compared to the marine habitats. However, the diversity was lower (H=2.7) and it was dominated largely by Vannella and Platyamoeba (categorized as morphotype 4). These data are consistent with findings at continental coastal locations in northeastern USA. Pond sediments generally contain higher densities of gymnamoebae than marine coastal sediments with less organic content. The ratio of type 4 to type 1 amoebae in pond samples is higher than those from coastal sites. The data from Bermuda, an open ocean insular site, provide additional zoogeographic evidence for the generality of these patterns of abundance.