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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7323

Slava S. Epstein; A New Marine Interstitial Ciliate from the Northwest Atlantic Coast Tracheloraphis primitarum Sp. N. (Ciliophora, Kinetofragminophora, Karyorelictida, Trachelocercidae). J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 41(5):500-503, 1994


In File


A new species of marine interstitial ciliate, Tracheloraphis primitarum sp. n., is described from intertidal sands (160-200-µm medium grain size) along the Northwest Atlantic coast. Living specimens are not transparent under incident light, 0.4-0.9 mm in length and are characterized by an elongated body, bulbous anterior and rounded posterior regions. Cytostome is simple without a cleft on the lip. Protargol silver impregnation shows 18-29 longitudinal kineties. The glabrous zone is very narrow, 6-7 µm wide, and corresponds to the area occupied by one kinety and two interkinetal spaces. Ten to fifteen kineties terminate against the glabrous zone. Interkinetal extrusomes are present. The nuclear apparatus is a single centrally-placed nuclear group that consists of three large irregular macronuclei and 2-3 micronuclei; these are either clustered or encapsulated.