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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7309

Thomas C. Jones and Michael A. Gates; A Morphometric Study of Euryhalinity in Marine Populations of the Ciliate Genus Euplotes. J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 41(4):303-316, 1994


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Twenty different clonal strains of marine and brackish Euplotes, representing four morphotypes, were tested for hyposalinity tolerance by a method which gradually acclimated the cells to lower salinity medium. The lowest salinities in which the strains could thrive ranged from 60% of normal seawater to complete freshwater. The morphological effects of culture medium salinity were also examined for two strains of a small "Euplotes charon" morphotype, as well as for two mating compatible "Euplotes vannus" strains and several of their exconjugates. There were no differences between the euryhaline strains grown in fresh or saltwater, except for a slight increase in overall cell size in one strain when cultured in freshwater medium. E. vannus strains increased in overall cell size with decreased salinity; also, the dorsal suface of the cells can become disorganized when the cells are cultured in 30% normal seawater.