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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7271

Simone Eperon, Bernard Vigues, and Robert K. Peck; Immunological Characterization of Trichocyst Proteins in the Ciliate Pseudomicrothorax dubius. J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 40(1):81-91, 1993


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Ejectable trichocysts were isolated from the ciliate Pseudomicrothorax dubius. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against three groups of trichocyst proteins: G1 (30-31 kDa), G2 (26-27 kDa) and G3 (15-20 kDa). By indirect immunofluorescence, the three antisera strongly label the shafts of ejected trichocysts and the proximal ends of condensed trichocysts within the cells. By immunogold labeling for electron microscopy, the three sera specifically recognize the shafts of both extended and condensed trichocysts and shaft precursors in pretrichocysts as well. On one-dimensional immunoblots of isolated trichocysts, anti-G1 serum recognizes the G1 proteins, anti-G2 serum detects G2 proteins and some G1 proteins, and anti-G3-serum reacts with 15 bands, mainly the G3 and (30-41)-kDa proteins. In cells with and without trichocysts, the sera recognize non-ejectable trichocyst proteins at 41-42 kDa and 47 kDa. On two-dimensional immunoblots of isolated tricocysts, anti-G1 serium labels proteins with a pI of 4.75-5.7, anti-G2 serum labels proteins with a pI of 4.75-6.25 and anti-G3 serum labels proteins with a pI of 4.7-6.6. Analyses of cells with and without trichocysts allow identification of possible precursors between 41 and 47 kDa. Some are in the same pI range as their putative products, but others, labeled by anti-G3 serum, are less acidic than most of their mature products.