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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7068

Jessica L. Mark Welch and Matthew Meselson; Karyotypes of bdelloid rotifers from three families. Hydrobiologia 387/388:403-407, 1998


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We have determined the chromosome numbers in embryo nuclei of four species of bdelloid rotifers from three families. In agreement with Hsu (La Cellule 57:283-296, 1956), we find that Philodina roseola has 13 chromosomes. We find that Macrotrachela quadricornifera has 10 chromosomes and that Habrotrocha constricta and Adineta vaga both have 12. This is the first report of the chromosome number of a member of the family Adinetidae.