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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 7039

A. Wasik and E. Mikolajczyk; Annual cycle of tintinnids in Admiralty Bay with an emphasis on seasonal variability in Cymatocylis affinis/convallaria lorica morphology. J.Plankton Research 16(1):1-8, 1994


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In water samples collected from the middle of Admiralty Bay (King George Island 62 degrees 08'S, 58 degrees 25'W) between February 1990 and January 1991, 17 Tintinnina species were noted. Total Tintinnina numbers in summer were very high (up to 5000 cells m-3), but species diversity was low, consisting mainly of Cymatocylis affinis/convallaria, forma convallaria. During austral winter, cell numbers were very low, but species composition was diverse. Cymatocylis affinis/convallaria, forma affinis, and C. affinis/convallaria, forma convallaria, the polymorphic forms of one species C, affinis/convallaria, appear to be interchangeable during the year. The transition from one form to the other occurs in the spring and autumn. The typical Tintinnina polymorphism can be attributed to the prevailing environmental conditions.