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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6837

Mari P.J.C. Marinussen, Sjoerd E.A.T.M. van der Zee, and Frans A.M. de Haan; Effect of Cd or Pb Addition to Cu-Contaminated Soil on Tissue Cu Accumulation in the Earthworm, Dendrobaena veneta. Ecotoxicol. & Environ.Safety 38:309-315, 1997


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Generally, soil heavy metal contamination consists of a mixture of heavy metals. Soil chemical properties and interaction with other pollutants in soil affect the external heavy metal bioavailability. Moreover interaction with other pollutants accumulated in organisms may change the toxicity of each pollutant. Therefore, the hypotheses was tested that addition of Cd or Pb to Cu-contaminated soil would lead to an increase in tissue Cu accumulation in the earthworm, Dendrobaena veneta, caused by (i) induction of metallothionein by Cd, or (ii) an increase in Cu concentration in soil solution due to the exchange of adsorbed Cu for Pb. Tissue heavy metal concentrations were determined after exposure in contaminated soils for 3 or 21 days. Considerable amounts of Cu, Cd, and Pb were accumulated, indicating that these heavy metals were available for uptake by D. veneta. Both Cd and Pb, however, did not significantly affect tissue Cu accumulation.