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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6733

Jens Boenigk; The Past and Present Classification Problem with Nanoflagellates Exemplified by the Genus Monas. Protist 159:319-337, 2008


In File


During the period of protistology, i.e., from the first descriptions of microorganisms by van Leeuwenhoek in 1674 until today, the classification of nanoflagellates (and protists in general) changed several times depending on the available methodology (Corliss 1986, 2001). Scientific dispute focused on the general relationship of nanoflagellates with multicellular organisms, specifically regarding the plant-animal distinction, and the differentiation of distinct nanoflagellates species. I will briefly outline the advances in the conceptual background, i.e., protist megasystematics and species concept, and further portray the past and present classification problem in heterotrophic nanoflagellates. I will pay special attention to the genus Monas Muller, 1773, as this genus can be considered the 'oldest' nanoflagellate genus and is therefore specifically better suited to illustrate the historical development of nanoflagellate classification than any other taxon.