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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6612

Douglas M. Lietz; Potential for aquatic oligochaetes as live food in commercial aquaculture. Hydrobiologia 155:309-310, 1987


In File


Aquatic oligochaetes may potentially become an important constituent in commercial aquaculture as a live food source. Tubifex tubifex, Limnodrilus species, Branchiura sowerbyi and the lumbriculid Lumbriculus variegatus have been economically mass cultured with production rates of 15 kg m-2 and population doubling times of 11-42 days reported. Relatively high growth and survival rates of trout, salmon and sturgeon have been achieved in association with the use of this live food source. Benefits stem from advantages with increased appetites and palatability. As well, sanitation and heating requirements in fish hatchery situations may be reduced. Disease transmission must be prevented.