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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6582

Peter M. Chapman and Ralph O. Brinkhurst; Hair today, gone tomorrow: induced chaetal changes in tubificid oligochaetes. Hydrobiologia 155:45-55, 1987


In File


Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the extent of chaetal variation in the tubificids Tubifex tubifex and Ilyodrilus frantzi and the naidids Specaria fraseri and Nais communis under varying environmental conditions. Univariate exposures were carried out using different levels of pH, salinity, water hardness and mercury. We were not able to induce chaetal changes in the two naidids tested. However, we were able to reduce the hairs and pectinations of T. tubifex with exposure to pH, salinity and to hard water such that the bergi form was produced. Prolonged exposure to low or high pH resulted in the total loss of hairs and pectinates such that the blanchardi form was produced. We were able to eliminate that hairs and pectinates of I. frantzi (capillatus) in soft, freshwater exposures such that the bifidus form of I. frantzi was produced. Conversely, in hard or saline water we were able to induce formation of hairs and pectinates on the bifidus form such that the capillatus form was produced. These changes occurred at time intervals ranging from a few days to two months.