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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 6081

Daniel Dive and H. Leclerc; [Utilisation du protozoaire cilie Colpidium campylum pour la mesure de la toxicite et de l'accumulations des micropolluants: Analyse critique et applications]. Environmental Pollution 14:169-186, 1977


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A previously described method, using Colpidium campylum (ciliate protozoa) for toxicity bioassays is analysed after two years' use. The causes affecting accuracy and reproducibility of results are dispersion of mean start populations (error removed by covariance analysis) and detection threshold of Coulter Counter R used for counts (fitted with study of population distribution). As fitted, the method has the best reproducibility. It has been used in the study of seventeen water-soluble toxic substances for which the Minimal Toxic Dose (DMA) has been measured. For substances, we can use internal control solvent or factorial analysis. This last method is more precise and can be used for the study of toxicant mixtures. The bioconcentration of toxic substance in Colpidium has been measured with a PCB. The method of use for direct toxicant determination in tap and drinking water (seventy samples), sewage and trade waste waters is discussed.