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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 5940

Denis H. Lynn and Pierre Didier; [Caracteristiques ultrastructurales du cortex somatique et buccal du cilie Colpidium campylum (Oligohymenophora, Tetrahymenina) quant a la position systematique de Turaniella]. Can.J.Zool. 56:2336-2343, 1978


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Colpidium campylum shows ultrastructural similarities in its somatic and buccal cortex to other tetrahymenine ciliates. The somatic kinetids are composed of single kinetosomes, radial transverse and postciliary fibres, a short kinetodesmal fibril, and a small supplementary tractus. The stichodyad and polykinetids are typically tetrahymenine. The assingment of the genus Turaniella to the hymenostome suborder Peniculina has recently been questioned. Turaniella shares morphological and stomatogenic characteristics with the hymenostome suborder Tetrahymenina and specifically with the genus Colpidium. The present study demonstrates ultrastructural similarities between these two genera. It is concluded tentatively that the genus Turaniella be placed in the hymenostome suborder Tetrahymenina, especially if the ultrastructure of the stichodyad is discovered to be tetrahymenine.