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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 5904

Jukka Sarkka; Meiobenthic naidid and aeolosomatid oligochaetes from the profundal zone, and relations of species to eutrophication. Hydrobiologia 180:185-190, 1989


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Oligochaetes were sampled using meiobenthos methods from depths of between 20 and 94 m in Lake Paijanne in 1986. Individuals belonging to several species of the Naididae and Aeolosomatidae, which are generally considered to include mainly littoral or lotic species, were found more or less regularly at these profundal depths. The naidid species Chaetogaster langi and Amphicaeta leydigii were more abundant in the deepest areas than at 20 m. Species also appeared to react differently to water quality. The naidid species Chaetogaster langi and the aeolosomatid species Aeolosoma quaternarium, A. hemprichi and Rheomorpha neiswestnovae were most abundant on average at oligotrophic, unpolluted stations, naidid species Amphichaeta leydigii, Specaria josinae and Vejdovskyella comata were more abundant at eutrophicated stations and Dero digitata was more abundant in organically loaded areas. The obsevations of Amphichaeta leydigii, Chaetogaster setosus and Rheomorpha neiswestnovae are new for Finland.