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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 5862

Sandra Casellato; Life-cycle and karyology of Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae). Hydrobiologia 115:65-69, 1984


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Data on the life-cycle of a population of Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard in a water-lily tank at the Botanical Garden in Padua are reported. The breeding period is from April to July, after which the reproductive system is partially resorbed (August-September) and reformed later in the autumn. The karyology of the species was also studied, and revealed 38 mitotic chromosomes in the gonia, and 19 bivalents in the primary spermatocytes and in the primary oocytes.