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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 5838

B.A. Ebsary; Description of Criconemoides pleriannulatus n. sp. (Nematoda: Criconematidae) and a key to the species of Criconemoides. Can.J.Zool. 57:1-5, 1979


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Criconemoides pleriannulatus n. sp. from Russia is described and illustrated. It is differentiated from C. annulatus by a more posterior excretory pore, prominent conical vulval lips, flexible stylet, and by the first three retrorse annules. It differs from C. morgensis by having more body annules, longer stylet, hemispherical tail, and more posterior excretory pore. The male specimens identified previously as C. rotundicaudatus are correctly identified as Nothocriconema longulum. A key to the nominal species of Criconemoides is provided. New synonymy includes C. kamaliei = Macroposthonia bakeri; C. parakouensis = M. rotundicauda; C. fimbriatus = C. informis; C. kashmirensis = N. mutabile; C. dorsoflexus = M. curvata. Other changes include M. brevistyla comb. n., syn. C. brevistylus.