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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 5801

Almudena Guinea, Ana Sola, M.C. Rueda, and Dimas Fernandez-Galiano; [Infraciliature, systeme myonemique, argyrome et bipartition de I'Astylozoon pyriforme (Ciliophora, Peritrichida)]. Can.J.Zool. 66:2104-2109, 1988


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Astylozoon pyriforme is a stalkless peritrich whose ciliature is restricted to the oral region and reduced to a few aboral bristles at the posterior pole. As in other pritrichs, the infraciliature is located in two zones, oral (peristome and infundibulum) and aboral (trochal band and scopule). We also observed an epistomial membrane located in the region where the peristomial infraciliature begins, to the right of the haplokinety. The myonemic system of this ciliate has three parts: an oral myonemic ring, a peristomial myonemic network, and longitudinal myonemes. The argyrome consists of 35 to 40 thin concentric striations that surround the cell but not the peristome. During the stomatogenic process, the germinal kinety and the haplokinety are the origin of the new buccal structures, as in other peritrichs.